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Introduction - Welcome!
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- Name
- Fredrik Borgstein
Hello! And welcome to my personal blog, let me introduce myself first of all. My name is Fredrik Borgstein, and I'm currently studying for a bachelor in Software Development at International University of Applied Science, Germany, as well as a higher vocational degree in Front-End development at Noroff University College, Norway.
I discovered a passion for programming during our Programming course at Noroff, when I was studying a degree in Network and IT Security from 2022-24. During the course, we explored Python, and it was the first time throughout my studies I really found a passion and fire for something. I immediately applied to Noroff's Front-End Development degree, and got accepted to the class starting up in August 2024.
A ad online made me aware of the existence of IU and their bachelor programs, and since I'm currently a stay-at-home dad, I figured I had the time and capacity to tackle the both of them at the same time. Both programs are online, and IU offer a super flexible timeline and course management, making it possible to properly commit to the both of them.
So, who am I? At the time of writing, I'm nearly 32 years old, with two wonderful and curious children, and I'm about to get married to my girlfriend of 10 years. Gaming and literature are some of my passions, but I'm known to be a curious being, and my hobbies tend change as my interest for new things peak.
The entire idea behind the blog, and what I want to do here is to use it as a outlet for whatever I learn, ideas I get along the way, and use it to increase my understanding of the topics I'm learning. For me, I know it will be useful, and hopefully it will be useful for whomever ends up reading this as well.
Feel free to reach out, and thank you for stopping by!